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Home > US Politics > Trump Walked Up To Window At US Open, Tapped It, Then Did Something JAW DROPPINGWAIT TILL YOU SEE WHAT TRUMP DOES LATER.

Trump Walked Up To Window At US Open, Tapped It, Then Did Something JAW DROPPINGWAIT TILL YOU SEE WHAT TRUMP DOES LATER.

Trump is the frickin’ man and has made history as the first sitting US President to attend the US Women’s Open. He rolled up to the place and exited the motorcade to wave of thousands of fans. You know what happened the moment that Trump rolled up? Check it out in the video below.

People screamed from the crowd, “We love you Mr. President!” Watch the video below.


We have such an awesome president. Check this out. Trump came over to wave at his fans from the skybox.

The Secret Service kept the crowd down because they were so excited. Haha. USGA officials asked the crowd to be quiet to avoid a play that was taking place yards away.

Trump got to the course at 3:40 pm on Friday off his trip to Paris to visit Macron for Bastille Day. Less than two hours later, Trump made a trip to the skybox built behind the 16th tee says

We have the best President. The liberal media will tell you otherwise, but they are 100% wrong.

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