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Singer Bans American Flag From Concerts, Says She Can’t Even Look At It While Trump’s President

It’s so typical of radical liberals.

They pretend to be patriotic Americans, but immediately turn on their own the moment they don’t get their way.

REAL patriots love this country no matter what, and will always work to make it better.

Grammy-nominated recording artist Lana Del Rey is not a real patriot.

Sure, she’s featured the American flag as a backdrop to many of her concerts in the past.

But because her candidate didn’t win the last presidential election, she’s now banning the Stars and Stripes.

The 32-year-old model-turned-singer told Pitchfork that she feels “uncomfortable” and “less safe” as an American living under President Trump.

As for using the American flag at her concerts:

“I definitely changed my visuals on my tour videos. I’m not going to have the American flag waving while I’m singing ‘Born to Die.’ It’s not going to happen.

“I’d rather have static.

“I feel less safe than I did when Obama was president.”

I say, if she’s going to boycott the flag, we BOYCOTT HER!

Source: The Daily Caller


