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Schumer Compares McCain’s Vote For Obamacare To His Service In Vietnam, People Are Furious

Chuck Schumer

John McCain was the final deciding vote repeal Obamacare. And because of McCain, we are stuck with it. Chuck Schumer announced that McCain’s ‘bravery’ here was equivalent to his bravery serving as a soldier in Vietnam. That’s ridiculous.

Schumer, on the verge of crying said that he and McCain “have been friends for a very long time, ever since the Gang of Eight, which we put together. And I have not seen a senator who speaks truth to power as strongly, as well, and as frequently as John McCain,” he said.

“The very same courage he showed as a Naval Aviator in Vietnam, he showed last night, and has shown time and time again,” said Schumer.

He went on to praise two female senators who also voted against the repeal. And of course, he had to compliment ‘women’ as a whole because of these two senators. “And certainly not to be forgotten, of equal praise, are Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. They were amazing. And, women are, in so many instances, stronger than men. They brag less about it, but they are,” said Schumer.

“And last night sort of proved that. And as somebody who is in a family of strong women, I very much appreciate their strength, their courage, and their dedication to principle, despite the entreaties,” said Schumer. How is voting against a bill equivalent to fighting in Vietnam? It just goes to show what stupid Chuck Schumer really is. Check out the video below:



