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Guilfoyle Eviscerates Juan Williams For His Disgusting Accusation Against Trump And Our Military

Juan Williams

Fox’s Juan Williams made a horrible accusation against President Trump. But fellow panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle and Greg Gutfeld took him down for it. According to Williams, the only reason that President Trump is sending troops to Afghanistan is because he is trying to distract people from Charlottesville. Basically he thinks the President views people lives as mere pawns.

“When I see Donald Trump stand up there — the U.S. military has long been a model of success in terms of race relations, and Donald Trump finds this opportune moment to use them as a toy to say, ‘You know that stuff I was saying about, when I didn’t understand what Nazis and white supremacists and neo-Nazis was about, I forgot what World War II was about, and when real American patriots shed blood to fight those Nazis, there was no equivalence,’” said Williams.

“No, no, no. But he didn’t say that! Instead, now he’s saying, ‘Oh yeah, so you know what, just like when you go and fight a war, or you should be able to come home, so if we have never had these arguments. ‘ … This is brand new. This to me … is the absolute most cheap use of our military from a guy who was in a hole and has damaged his presidency in a way that he will not recover,” said Williams.

“It’s very disingenuous to suggest that the president of the United States would squander lives to try to get himself out of a political pickle. He has been working on a strategy for Afghanistan [for a while],” said Guilfoyle in response.

“That’s nonsense …. These guys know more about loss than you do, Juan,” said Gutfeld. Check out the video below.


H/T: Conservative101

