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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Uses President Trump As Excuse To Attack The 4th Of July In A Disgusting Way

The mainstream media won’t take a break from political mudslinging even on the 4th of July. MSNBC’s Joy Reid used the celebration to tell Americans that they need to question patriotism and being an American because of Donald Trump.

“So this holiday, the Trump presidency compels us to confront some very serious questions about the substance, and not just the symbolism, of what it means to be a patriot,” said Reid.

“How do we commemorate our independence from a foreign power when our president cries fake news in response to facts that a foreign power has undermined our democracy? How do we bask in the glow of fireworks illuminating the Statue of Liberty when our president rejects her welcome to the huddled masses yearning to breathe free?” she asked.

“How do we honor the founding fathers’ self-evident truths about Americans’ right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when the Congress is controlled mostly by men who are pulling out all the stops to force through a policy that would put the lives of 22 million fellow Americans in jeopardy by taking away their health care?” she asked.

 There are so many lies in everything she says. Wouldn’t it be nice if Americans could just join together and celebrate the 4th of July together. Liberals won’t let that happen. Check out the video below.



