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Should Trump Ban Islam In American Schools?

Muslim culture is on the move in America, and it is quickly making inroads to the heart of our nation—our school system.

Liberals have known for a long time: if you can indoctrinate our nation’s youth, you can win the long game.

Now Muslims are in on the game, attacking school boards over their “freedom of speech.”

Some schools are now teaching Sharia in America’s classrooms, but patriotic parents are speaking up.

Should Donald Trump put an end to this – should he BAN Islamic teaching from our nation’s schools?

Muslim culture is on the move in America, and it is quickly making inroads to the heart of our nation—our school system.

Liberals have known for a long time: if you can indoctrinate our nation’s youth, you can win the long game.

Now Muslims are in on the game, attacking school boards over their “freedom of speech.”

Some schools are now teaching Sharia in America’s classrooms, but patriotic parents are speaking up.

Should Donald Trump put an end to this – should he BAN Islamic teaching from our nation’s schools?


