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Muslim Leader Goes On Live TV And Admits That Muslim Do Not Want Peace

Islam is not the religion of peace, and we’ve seen it for millennia. Islam aims to conquer the world under Sharia Law. Yeah, watch this video and you will see exactly what I am talking about…

Radical Islamic leader Imam Anjem Choudary went on Live TV, or exactly on the Sean Hannity Show, to make it very clear what his thoughts on the Islam are.

As he says in the video, to him, Islam does NOT mean peace, it means submissions.

The left will surely not be happy to see this video, and will no doubt take this and split it in a direction where it looks pro-Islam. As Imam says from London, going on Live TV and saying that Islam does not mean peace, maybe the left will understand what they’ve been trying to protect.

Imam’s explanation completely contradicts every single thing the left has ever said about Islam.

Take a look at the video:

Among his belief are,

-All gays should be killed;

-Those who leave the Islamic faith should be killed;

-Those insulting the prophet Mohammad should be killed.

Highly disturbing portrait of the religion, but the liberals still love to defend it and march for, even thought they know nothing about this.

What do you think about this?

If you still think that President Trump should ban immigrants from those 7 pro-Islamic states, please SHARE this article! Let’s make the people AWARE of the situation!



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