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CNN’s Zakaria Declares Victory, Claims That Nearly Everyone In America Is A Democrat Now

The Republicans run the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. People love our President and are excited to ‘Make America Great Again’. However, according to out-of-touch CNN, America is almost entirely Democratic.

“The Democratic economic agenda is broadly popular with the public. More people prefer the party’s views to those of Republicans on taxes, poverty reduction, health care, government benefits, and even climate change and energy policy. In one recent poll, 3 in 4 supported raising the minimum wage to $9. 72% wanted to provide pre-K to all 4-year-olds in poor families,” said CNN’s Zakaria.

I wonder if those are the same polls that predicted that Trump had no chance of winning the election. “Eight in ten favored expanding food stamps. It is noteworthy that each of these proposals found support from a majority of Republicans,” said Zakaria.

“The more I study this subject, the more I am convinced that people cast their vote mostly based on an emotional bond with a candidate, a sense that they get each other. Democrats have to recognize this,” said Zakaria.

 “They should always stay true to their ideals, of course, but yet convey to a broad section of Americans — rural, less-educated, older, whiter — that they understand and respect their lives, their values and their worth. It’s a much harder balancing act than one more push to raise the minimum wage. But this cultural realm is the crossroads of politics today,” said Zakaria. When will CNN learn? Check out the video below.




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